Source code for desr.ode_system

import itertools
import re

import sympy
from import _clash1

from matrix_normal_forms import hnf_col, hnf_row, normal_hnf_col
from sympy_helper import expressions_to_variables, unique_array_stable, monomial_to_powers
from tex_tools import expr_to_tex, var_to_tex, tex_to_sympy

[docs]class ODESystem(object): ''' A system of differential equations. The main attributes are :attr:`~desr.ode_system.ODESystem.variables` and :attr:`~desr.ode_system.ODESystem.derivatives`. :attr:`~desr.ode_system.ODESystem.variables` is an ordered tuple of variables, which includes the independent variable. :attr:`~desr.ode_system.ODESystem.derivatives` is an ordered tuple of the same length that contains the derivatives with respect to :attr:`~desr.ode_system.ODESystem.indep_var`. Args: variables (tuple of sympy.Symbol): Ordered tuple of variables. derivatives (tuple of sympy.Expression): Ordered tuple of derivatives. indep_var (sympy.Symbol, optional): Independent variable we are differentiating with respect to. initial_conditions (tuple of sympy.Symbol): The initial values of non-constant variables ''' def __init__(self, variables, derivatives, indep_var=None, initial_conditions=None): self._variables = tuple(variables) self._derivatives = tuple(derivatives) self._indep_var = sympy.var('t') if indep_var is None else indep_var self._initial_conditions = {} assert len(self._variables) == len(self._derivatives) assert self.derivatives[self.indep_var_index] == sympy.sympify(1) if initial_conditions is not None: self.update_initial_conditions(initial_conditions=initial_conditions) self._constraints = [] def __eq__(self, other): if type(self) is not type(other): return False # Compare variables self_var = sorted(self.variables, key=str) other_var = sorted(other.variables, key=str) if self_var != other_var: return False # Compare derivatives self_der, other_der = self.derivative_dict, other.derivative_dict for var1, var2 in zip(self_var, other_var): der1 = self_der.get(var1) der2 = other_der.get(var2) if der1 is None: if der2 is not None: return False else: if der2 is None: return False if der1.expand() != der2.expand(): return False # Compare independent variables if self._indep_var != other._indep_var: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Returns: ODESystem: A copy of the system. ''' system = ODESystem(self._variables, self._derivatives, indep_var=self._indep_var) system.update_initial_conditions(self.initial_conditions) for eqn in self.constraints: system.add_constraints(eqn.lhs, eqn.rhs) return system
@property def indep_var(self): """ Return the independent variable. Returns: sympy.Symbol: The independent variable, which we are differentiating with respect to. """ return self._indep_var @property def indep_var_index(self): """ Return the independent variable index. Return: int: The index of :py:attr:`~indep_var` in :py:attr:`~self.variables`. """ return self.variables.index(self.indep_var) @property def variables(self): ''' Return the variables appearing in the system. Returns: tuple: Ordered tuple of variables appearing in the system. ''' return self._variables @property def constant_variables(self): ''' Return the constant variables - specifically those which have a None derivative. Returns: tuple: The constant variables. ''' return tuple(var for var, deriv in zip(self.variables, self._derivatives) if deriv is None) @property def non_constant_variables(self): ''' Return the non-constant variables - specifically those which have a derivative that isn't None or 1. Returns: tuple: The constant variables. >>> _input = {'x': 'c_0*x*y', 'y': 'c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)*t'} >>> _input = {sympy.Symbol(k): sympy.sympify(v) for k, v in _input.iteritems()} >>> system = ODESystem.from_dict(_input) >>> system.non_constant_variables (x, y) ''' return tuple(var for var, deriv in zip(self.variables, self._derivatives) if ((deriv is not None) and (deriv != 1))) @property def num_constants(self): ''' Return the number of constant variables - specifically those which have a :const:`None` derivative Returns: int: Number of non-constant variables. ''' return len(self.constant_variables) @property def derivatives(self): ''' Getter for an ordered tuple of expressions representing the derivatives of self.variables. Returns: tuple: Ordered tuple of sympy.Expressions. ''' return [expr if expr is not None else sympy.sympify(0) for expr in self._derivatives] @property def derivative_dict(self): ''' Return a variable: expr mapping, filtering out the :const:`None`'s in expr. Returns: dict: Keys are non-constant variables, value is the derivative with respect to the independent variable. ''' return dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, zip(self.variables, self._derivatives))) @property def initial_conditions(self): ''' Return a variable: initial-value mapping. Returns: dict: Keys are non-constant variables, value is the constant representing their initial condition. ''' return self._initial_conditions.copy() @property def constraints(self): ''' Todo: * Finish docstring Returns: ''' return self._constraints[:]
[docs] def update_initial_conditions(self, initial_conditions): ''' Update the internal record of initial conditions. Args: initial_conditions (dict): non-constant variable: initial value constant. >>> _input = {'x': 'c_0*x*y', 'y': 'c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)*t'} >>> _input = {sympy.Symbol(k): sympy.sympify(v) for k, v in _input.iteritems()} >>> system = ODESystem.from_dict(_input) >>> system.update_initial_conditions({'x': 'x_0'}) >>> system.initial_conditions {x: x_0} >>> system.update_initial_conditions({'c_0': 'k'}) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot set initial condition k for variable c_0 with derivative None. >>> system dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*t*(-x + 1)*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 dx_0/dt = 0 x(0) = x_0 ''' non_const_var = self.non_constant_variables for variable, init_cond in initial_conditions.items(): if not isinstance(variable, sympy.Symbol): variable = sympy.Symbol(variable) if isinstance(init_cond, str): init_cond = sympy.Symbol(init_cond) # We can only set initial conditions of non-constant variables we already know about. if variable not in non_const_var: raise ValueError('Cannot set initial condition {} for variable {} with derivative {}.'.format(init_cond, variable, self.derivative_dict.get(variable))) if init_cond not in self.variables: self._variables = tuple(list(self._variables) + [init_cond]) self._derivatives = tuple(list(self._derivatives) + [None]) self._initial_conditions[variable] = init_cond
[docs] def add_constraints(self, lhs, rhs): ''' Add constraints that must be obeyed by the system. Args: lhs (sympy.Expr): The left hand side of the constraint. rhs (sympy.Expr): The right hand side of the constraint. Todo: * Finish docstring and tests, here and for: finding scaling symmetries and also translation * Check for 0 case >>> eqns = ['dx/dt = c_0*x*y', 'dy/dt = c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)'] >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations(eqns) >>> system dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*(-x + 1)*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> system.add_constraints('c_2', 'c_0 + c_1') >>> system dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*(-x + 1)*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 dc_2/dt = 0 c_2 == c_0 + c_1 >>> system.add_constraints('c_2', 'c_0 + x') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot add constraints on non-constant parameters set([x]). This would make an interesting project though... >>> system.add_constraints('c_0', 0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot express equality with 0. ''' if isinstance(lhs, str): lhs = sympy.sympify(lhs) if isinstance(rhs, str): rhs = sympy.sympify(rhs) if (lhs == 0) or (rhs == 0): raise ValueError('Cannot express equality with 0.') variables = expressions_to_variables([lhs, rhs]) nonconst_var = variables.intersection(self.non_constant_variables) if nonconst_var: raise ValueError('Cannot add constraints on non-constant parameters {}. '.format(nonconst_var) + 'This would make an interesting project though...') variables = sorted(variables.difference(set(self.variables)), key=str) self._variables = tuple(list(self._variables) + variables) self._derivatives = tuple(list(self._derivatives) + [None for _ in variables]) self._constraints.append(sympy.Eq(lhs, rhs))
[docs] def diff_subs(self, to_sub, expand_before=False, expand_after=True, factor_after=False, subs_constraints=False): ''' Make substitutions into the derivatives, returning a new system. Args: to_sub (dict): Dictionary of substitutions to make. expand_before (bool): Expand the sympy expression for each derivative before substitution. expand_after (bool): Expand the sympy expression for each derivative after substitution. factor_after (bool): Factorise the sympy expression for each derivative after substitution. subs_constraints (bool): Perform the substitutions into the initial constraints. Returns: ODESystem: System with substitutions carried out. >>> eqns = ['dx/dt = c_0*x*y', 'dy/dt = c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)'] >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations(eqns) >>> system.diff_subs({'1-x': 'z'}, expand_before=False, expand_after=False, factor_after=False) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*z*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> system.diff_subs({'1-x': 'z'}, expand_before=True, expand_after=False, factor_after=False) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*x*y - c_1*x - c_1*y + c_1 dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> system.diff_subs({'x': '1-z'}, expand_before=True, expand_after=True, factor_after=False) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = -c_0*y*z + c_0*y dy/dt = -c_1*y*z + c_1*z dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> system.add_constraints('c_0', 'c_1**2') >>> system.diff_subs({'c_0': '1'}, subs_constraints=False) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = x*y dy/dt = c_1*x*y - c_1*x - c_1*y + c_1 dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 c_0 == c_1**2 >>> system.diff_subs({'c_0': '1'}, subs_constraints=True) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = x*y dy/dt = c_1*x*y - c_1*x - c_1*y + c_1 dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 1 == c_1**2 ''' to_sub = {sympy.sympify(k): sympy.sympify(v) for k, v in to_sub.items()} new_derivs = self._derivatives if expand_before: new_derivs = (d.expand() if d is not None else None for d in new_derivs) new_derivs = (d.subs(to_sub) if d is not None else None for d in new_derivs) if expand_after: new_derivs = (d.expand() if d is not None else None for d in new_derivs) if factor_after: new_derivs = (sympy.factor(d) if d is not None else None for d in new_derivs) subs_system = ODESystem(self.variables, new_derivs, initial_conditions=self.initial_conditions, indep_var=self.indep_var) for eqn in self.constraints: if subs_constraints: eqn = sympy.Eq(eqn.lhs.subs(to_sub), eqn.rhs.subs(to_sub)) subs_system.add_constraints(eqn.lhs, eqn.rhs) return subs_system
[docs] @classmethod def from_equations(cls, equations, indep_var=sympy.var('t'), initial_conditions=None): ''' Instantiate from multiple equations. Args: equations (str, iter of str): Equations of the form "dx/dt = expr", optionally seperated by :code:`\\n`. indep_var (sympy.Symbol): The independent variable, usually :code:`t`. initial_conditions (tuple of sympy.Symbol): The initial values of non-constant variables Returns: ODESystem: System of equations. >>> eqns = ['dx/dt = c_0*x*y', 'dy/dt = c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)'] >>> ODESystem.from_equations(eqns) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*(-x + 1)*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> eqns = '\\n'.join(['dy/dx = c_0*x*y', 'dz/dx = c_1*(1-y)*z**2']) >>> ODESystem.from_equations(eqns, indep_var=sympy.Symbol('x')) dx/dx = 1 dy/dx = c_0*x*y dz/dx = c_1*z**2*(-y + 1) dc_0/dx = 0 dc_1/dx = 0 ''' if isinstance(equations, str): equations = equations.strip().split('\n') deriv_dict = dict(map(lambda x: parse_de(x, indep_var=str(indep_var)), equations)) system = cls.from_dict(deriv_dict=deriv_dict, indep_var=indep_var, initial_conditions=initial_conditions) system.default_order_variables() return system
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, deriv_dict, indep_var=sympy.var('t'), initial_conditions=None): ''' Instantiate from a text of equations. Args: deriv_dict (dict): {variable: derivative} mapping. indep_var (sympy.Symbol): Independent variable, that the derivatives are with respect to. initial_conditions (tuple of sympy.Symbol): The initial values of non-constant variables Returns: ODESystem: System of ODEs. >>> _input = {'x': 'c_0*x*y', 'y': 'c_1*(1-x)*(1-y)'} >>> _input = {sympy.Symbol(k): sympy.sympify(v) for k, v in _input.iteritems()} >>> ODESystem.from_dict(_input) dt/dt = 1 dx/dt = c_0*x*y dy/dt = c_1*(-x + 1)*(-y + 1) dc_0/dt = 0 dc_1/dt = 0 >>> _input = {'y': 'c_0*x*y', 'z': 'c_1*(1-y)*z**2'} >>> _input = {sympy.Symbol(k): sympy.sympify(v) for k, v in _input.iteritems()} >>> ODESystem.from_dict(_input, indep_var=sympy.Symbol('x')) dx/dx = 1 dy/dx = c_0*x*y dz/dx = c_1*z**2*(-y + 1) dc_0/dx = 0 dc_1/dx = 0 ''' # Make a tuple of all variables. variables = set(expressions_to_variables(deriv_dict.values())).union(set(deriv_dict.keys())) if initial_conditions is not None: variables.update(map(expressions_to_variables, initial_conditions.values())) variables = tuple(variables.union(set([indep_var]))) assert ((deriv_dict.get(indep_var) is None) or (deriv_dict.get(indep_var) == 1)) deriv_dict[indep_var] = sympy.sympify(1) system = cls(variables, tuple([deriv_dict.get(var) for var in variables]), indep_var=indep_var, initial_conditions=initial_conditions) system.default_order_variables() return system
def __repr__(self): lines = ['d{}/d{} = {}'.format(var, self.indep_var, expr) for var, expr in zip(self.variables, self.derivatives)] for v in self.non_constant_variables: init_cond = self.initial_conditions.get(v) if init_cond is not None: lines.append('{}(0) = {}'.format(v, init_cond)) for eqn in self.constraints: lines.append('{} == {}'.format(eqn.lhs, eqn.rhs)) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def to_tex(self): ''' Returns: str: TeX representation. >>> eqns = ['dC/dt = -C*k_2 - C*k_m1 + E*S*k_1', ... 'dE/dt = C*k_2 + C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1', ... 'dP/dt = C*k_2', ... 'dS/dt = C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1'] >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations('\\n'.join(eqns)) >>> print system.to_tex() \\frac{dt}{dt} &= 1 \\\\ \\frac{dC}{dt} &= - C k_{2} - C k_{-1} + E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dE}{dt} &= C k_{2} + C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dP}{dt} &= C k_{2} \\\\ \\frac{dS}{dt} &= C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dk_{1}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{2}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{-1}}{dt} &= 0 >>> system.update_initial_conditions({'C': 'C_0'}) >>> print system.to_tex() \\frac{dt}{dt} &= 1 \\\\ \\frac{dC}{dt} &= - C k_{2} - C k_{-1} + E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dE}{dt} &= C k_{2} + C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dP}{dt} &= C k_{2} \\\\ \\frac{dS}{dt} &= C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dk_{1}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{2}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{-1}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dC_{0}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ C\\left(0\\right) &= C_{0} >>> system.add_constraints('K_m', '(k_m1 + k_2) / k_1') >>> print system.to_tex() \\frac{dt}{dt} &= 1 \\\\ \\frac{dC}{dt} &= - C k_{2} - C k_{-1} + E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dE}{dt} &= C k_{2} + C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dP}{dt} &= C k_{2} \\\\ \\frac{dS}{dt} &= C k_{-1} - E S k_{1} \\\\ \\frac{dk_{1}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{2}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dk_{-1}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dC_{0}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ \\frac{dK_{m}}{dt} &= 0 \\\\ C\\left(0\\right) &= C_{0} \\\\ K_{m} &= \\frac{1}{k_{1}} \\left(k_{2} + k_{-1}\\right) ''' line_template = '\\frac{{d{}}}{{d{}}} &= {}' lines = [line_template.format(var_to_tex(var), var_to_tex(self.indep_var), expr_to_tex(expr)) for var, expr in zip(self.variables, self.derivatives)] for v in self.non_constant_variables: init_cond = self.initial_conditions.get(v) if init_cond is not None: lines.append('{}\\left(0\\right) &= {}'.format(var_to_tex(v), expr_to_tex(init_cond))) for eqn in self.constraints: lines.append('{} &= {}'.format(expr_to_tex(eqn.lhs), expr_to_tex(eqn.rhs))) return ' \\\\\n'.join(lines)
[docs] @classmethod def from_tex(cls, tex): """ Given the LaTeX of a system of differential equations, return a ODESystem of it. Args: tex (str): LaTeX Returns: ODESystem: System of ODEs. >>> eqns = ['\\frac{dE}{dt} &= - k_1 E S + k_{-1} C + k_2 C \\\\', ... '\\frac{dS}{dt} &= - k_1 E S + k_{-1} C \\\\', ... '\\frac{dC}{dt} &= k_1 E S - k_{-1} C - k_2 C \\\\', ... '\\frac{dP}{dt} &= k_2 C'] >>> ODESystem.from_tex('\\n'.join(eqns)) dt/dt = 1 dC/dt = -C*k_2 - C*k_m1 + E*S*k_1 dE/dt = C*k_2 + C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1 dP/dt = C*k_2 dS/dt = C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1 dk_1/dt = 0 dk_2/dt = 0 dk_m1/dt = 0 Todo: * Allow initial conditions to be set from tex. """ sympification = tex_to_sympy(tex) derivative_dict = {} indep_var = None for sympy_eq in sympification: if not isinstance(sympy_eq.lhs, sympy.Derivative): raise ValueError('Invalid sympy equation: {}'.format(sympy_eq)) derivative_dict[sympy_eq.lhs.args[0]] = sympy_eq.rhs # Check we always have the same independent variable. if indep_var is None: indep_var = sympy_eq.lhs.args[1] else: if indep_var != sympy_eq.lhs.args[1]: raise ValueError('Must be ordinary differential equation. Two indep variables {} and {} found.'.format(indep_var, sympy_eq.lhs.args[1])) return cls.from_dict(deriv_dict=derivative_dict)
[docs] def power_matrix(self): ''' Determine the 'exponent' or 'power' matrix of the system, denoted by :math:`K` in the literature, by gluing together the power matrices of each derivative. In particular, it concatenates :math:`K_{\\left(\\frac{t}{x} \\cdot \\frac{dx}{dt}\\right)}` for :math:`x` in :attr:`~variables`, where :math:`t` is the independent variable. >>> eqns = '\\n'.join(['ds/dt = -k_1*e_0*s + (k_1*s + k_m1)*c', ... 'dc/dt = k_1*e_0*s - (k_1*s + k_m1 + k_2)*c']) >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations(eqns) >>> system.variables (t, c, s, e_0, k_1, k_2, k_m1) >>> system.power_matrix() Matrix([ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) While we get a different answer to the example in the paper, this is just due to choosing our reference exponent in a different way. Todo: * Change the code to agree with the paper. >>> system.update_initial_conditions({'s': 's_0'}) >>> system.power_matrix() Matrix([ [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1]]) ''' exprs = [self._indep_var * expr / var for var, expr in self.derivative_dict.iteritems() if expr != 1] exprs.extend([var / init_cond for var, init_cond in self.initial_conditions.items()]) exprs.extend([eq.lhs / eq.rhs for eq in self.constraints]) matrices = [rational_expr_to_power_matrix(expr, self.variables) for expr in exprs] out = sympy.Matrix.hstack(*matrices) assert out.shape[0] == len(self.variables) return out
[docs] def maximal_scaling_matrix(self): ''' Determine the maximal scaling matrix leaving this system invariant. Returns: sympy.Matrix: Maximal scaling matrix. >>> eqns = '\\n'.join(['ds/dt = -k_1*e_0*s + (k_1*s + k_m1)*c', ... 'dc/dt = k_1*e_0*s - (k_1*s + k_m1 + k_2)*c']) >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations(eqns) >>> system.maximal_scaling_matrix() Matrix([ [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1], [0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0]]) ''' exprs = [self._indep_var * expr / var for var, expr in self.derivative_dict.iteritems() if expr != 1] exprs.extend([var / init_cond for var, init_cond in self.initial_conditions.items()]) exprs.extend([eq.lhs / eq.rhs for eq in self.constraints]) return maximal_scaling_matrix(exprs, variables=self.variables)
[docs] def reorder_variables(self, variables): ''' Reorder the equation according to the new order of variables. Args: variables (str, iter): Another ordering of the variables. >>> eqns = ['dz_1/dt = z_1*z_3', 'dz_2/dt = z_1*z_2 / (z_3 ** 2)'] >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations('\\n'.join(eqns)) >>> system.variables (t, z_1, z_2, z_3) >>> system.derivatives [1, z_1*z_3, z_1*z_2/z_3**2, 0] >>> system.reorder_variables(['z_2', 'z_3', 't', 'z_1']) >>> system.variables (z_2, z_3, t, z_1) >>> system.derivatives [z_1*z_2/z_3**2, 0, 1, z_1*z_3] ''' if isinstance(variables, basestring): if ' ' in variables: variables = variables.split(' ') else: variables = tuple(variables) if not sorted(map(str, variables)) == sorted(map(str, self.variables)): raise ValueError('Mismatching variables:\n{} vs\n{}'.format(sorted(map(str, self.variables)), sorted(map(str, variables)))) column_shuffle = [] for new_var in variables: for i, var in enumerate(self.variables): if str(var) == str(new_var): column_shuffle.append(i) self._variables = tuple(sympy.Matrix(self._variables).extract(column_shuffle, [0])) self._derivatives = tuple(sympy.Matrix(self._derivatives).extract(column_shuffle, [0]))
[docs] def default_order_variables(self): ''' Reorder the variables into (independent variable, dependent variables, constant variables), which generally gives the simplest reductions. Variables of the same type are sorted by their string representations. >>> eqns = ['dz_1/dt = z_1*z_3', 'dz_2/dt = z_1*z_2 / (z_3 ** 2)'] >>> system = ODESystem.from_equations('\\n'.join(eqns)) >>> system.variables (t, z_1, z_2, z_3) >>> system.reorder_variables(['z_2', 'z_3', 't', 'z_1']) >>> system.variables (z_2, z_3, t, z_1) >>> system.default_order_variables() >>> system.variables (t, z_1, z_2, z_3) ''' all_var = self.variables dep_var = sorted(self.derivative_dict.keys(), key=str) dep_var.remove(self.indep_var) const_var = sorted(set(all_var).difference(dep_var).difference(set([self.indep_var])), key=str) # Order variables as independent, dependent, parameters variables = [self.indep_var] + dep_var + const_var assert len(variables) == len(set(variables)) self.reorder_variables(variables=variables)
[docs]def parse_de(diff_eq, indep_var='t'): ''' Parse a first order ordinary differential equation and return (variable of derivative, rational function >>> parse_de('dn/dt = n( r(1 - n/K) - kp/(n+d) )') (n, n(-kp/(d + n) + r(1 - n/K))) >>> parse_de('dp/dt==sp(1 - hp / n)') (p, sp(-hp/n + 1)) ''' diff_eq = diff_eq.strip() match = re.match(r'd([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/d([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=*\s*(.*)', diff_eq) if match is None: raise ValueError("Invalid differential equation: {}".format(diff_eq)) if != indep_var: raise ValueError('We only work in ordinary DEs in {}'.format(indep_var)) # Feed in _clash1 so that we can use variables S, C, etc., which are special characters in sympy. return sympy.var(, sympy.sympify(, _clash1)
[docs]def rational_expr_to_power_matrix(expr, variables): ''' Take a rational expression and determine the power matrix wrt an ordering on the variables, as on page 497 of Hubert-Labahn. >>> exprs = map(sympy.sympify, "n*( r*(1 - n/K) - k*p/(n+d) );s*p*(1 - h*p / n)".split(';')) >>> variables = sorted(expressions_to_variables(exprs), key=str) >>> variables [K, d, h, k, n, p, r, s] >>> rational_expr_to_power_matrix(exprs[0], variables) Matrix([ [0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) >>> rational_expr_to_power_matrix(exprs[1], variables) Matrix([ [ 0, 0], [ 0, 0], [ 1, 0], [ 0, 0], [-1, 0], [ 2, 1], [ 0, 0], [ 1, 1]]) ''' expr = expr.cancel() num, denom = expr.as_numer_denom() num_const, num_terms = num.as_coeff_add() denom_const, denom_terms = denom.as_coeff_add() num_terms = sorted(num_terms, key=str) denom_terms = sorted(denom_terms, key=str) if denom_const != 0: ref_power = 1 # If we have another constant in the numerator, add it onto the terms for processing. if num_const != 0: num_terms = list(num_terms) num_terms.append(num_const) else: if num_const != 0: ref_power = 1 else: denom_terms = list(denom_terms) # Find the lowest power ref_power = min(denom_terms, key=lambda x: map(abs, monomial_to_powers(x, variables))) denom_terms.remove(ref_power) # Use the last term of the denominator as our reference power powers = [] for mon in itertools.chain(num_terms, denom_terms): powers.append(monomial_to_powers(mon / ref_power, variables)) powers = sympy.Matrix(powers).T return powers
[docs]def maximal_scaling_matrix(exprs, variables=None): ''' Determine the maximal scaling matrix leaving this system invariant, in row Hermite normal form. Args: exprs (iter): Iterable of sympy.Expressions. variables: An ordering on the variables. If None, sort according to the string representation. Returns: sympy.Matrix >>> exprs = ['z_1*z_3', 'z_1*z_2 / (z_3 ** 2)'] >>> exprs = map(sympy.sympify, exprs) >>> maximal_scaling_matrix(exprs) Matrix([[1, -3, -1]]) >>> exprs = ['(z_1 + z_2**2) / z_3'] >>> exprs = map(sympy.sympify, exprs) >>> maximal_scaling_matrix(exprs) Matrix([[2, 1, 2]]) ''' if variables is None: variables = sorted(expressions_to_variables(exprs), key=str) matrices = [rational_expr_to_power_matrix(expr, variables) for expr in exprs] power_matrix = sympy.Matrix.hstack(*matrices) assert power_matrix.shape[0] == len(variables) hermite_rform, multiplier_rform = hnf_row(power_matrix) # Find the non-zero rows at the bottom row_is_zero = [all([i == 0 for i in row]) for row in hermite_rform.tolist()] # Make sure they all come at the end num_nonzero = sum(map(int, row_is_zero)) if num_nonzero == 0: return sympy.zeros(1, len(variables)) assert hermite_rform[-num_nonzero:, :].is_zero # Make sure we have the right number of columns assert multiplier_rform.shape[1] == len(variables) # Return the last num_nonzero rows of the Hermite multiplier return hnf_row(multiplier_rform[-num_nonzero:, :])[0]
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()