Source code for desr.tex_tools

Created on Wed Aug 12 01:37:16 2015

Author: Richard Tanburn (

import re
import sympy
from import _clash1

VAR_RE = '[A-Za-z*][\d_]*'

[docs]def matrix_to_tex(matrix_): ''' Given a matrix, write out the TeX. Args: matrix_ (sympy.Matrix): Matrix to turn into TeX Returns: str Printing is the correct way to use this function, but the docstring looks a bit odd. >>> print matrix_to_tex(sympy.eye(2)) 1 & 0 \\\\ 0 & 1 \\\\ ''' lines = [] for line in matrix_.tolist(): lines.append(' & '.join(map(str, line)) + ' \\\\') return '\n'.join(lines)
def _var_repler(var): var = if len(var) == 1: return var[0] var_letter, subscript = var[0], var[1:] if subscript[0] == '_': subscript = subscript[1:] subscript = subscript.replace('_', '') return '{}_{{{}}}'.format(var_letter, subscript)
[docs]def var_to_tex(var): """ Given a sympy variable, write out the TeX. Args: var (sympy.Symbol): Variable to turn into TeX Returns: str >>> print map(var_to_tex, sympy.symbols('x y_1 Kw_3 z_{3} k_m1')) ['x', 'y_{1}', 'Kw_{3}', 'z_{3}', 'k_{-1}'] """ return expr_to_tex(var)
[docs]def expr_to_tex(expr): """ Given a sympy expression, write out the TeX. Args: expr (sympy.Expression): Expression to turn into TeX Returns: str >>> print map(expr_to_tex, map(sympy.sympify, ['(x + y - 1.5)**2', '(x + y_m1)**1', 'k_m1*t'])) ['\\\\left(x + y - 1.5\\\\right)^{2}', 'x + y_{-1}', 'k_{-1} t'] """ tex = sympy.latex(expr) # Substitute _{m...} for _{-...} tex = re.sub(r'\_\{?m([^\}]+)\}?', r'_{-\1}', tex) return tex
[docs]def eqn_to_tex(eqn): eqn = str(eqn).replace(' ', '') expr1, expr2 = eqn.split('==') tex = '{} &= {}'.format(expr_to_tex(expr1), expr_to_tex(expr2)) return tex
[docs]def eqns_to_tex(eqns): ''' To convert to array environment, copy the output into a lyx LaTeX cell, then copy this entire cell into an eqnarray of sufficient size ''' return '\\\\'.join(map(eqn_to_tex, eqns))
[docs]def tex_to_sympy(tex): """ Given some TeX, turn it into sympy expressions and equations. Each line is parsed seperately. Args: tex (str): LaTeX Returns: list >>> lines = [r'\\frac{dE}{dt} &= - k_1 E S + k_{-1} C + k_2 C \\\\', ... r'\\frac{dS}{dt} &= - k_1 E S + k_{-1} C \\\\', ... r'\\frac{dC}{dt} &= k_1 E S - k_{-1} C - k_2 C \\\\', ... r'\\frac{dP}{dt} &= k_2 C'] >>> sym = tex_to_sympy('\\n'.join(lines)) >>> for s in sym: print s Eq(Derivative(E, t), C*k_2 + C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1) Eq(Derivative(S, t), C*k_m1 - E*S*k_1) Eq(Derivative(C, t), -C*k_2 - C*k_m1 + E*S*k_1) Eq(Derivative(P, t), C*k_2) >>> print tex_to_sympy('k_2 &= V_2d ( APCT - APCs ) + V_2dd APCs') Eq(k_2, APCs*V_2dd + V_2d*(APCT - APCs)) """ # Parse each line individually split_tex = tex.split('\n') if len(split_tex) > 1: return map(tex_to_sympy, split_tex) # Remove alignment characters tex = tex.strip().replace('&', '').replace('\\', '') # If equality, return a sympy.Eq sides = tex.split('=') if len(sides) == 2: return sympy.Eq(*map(tex_to_sympy, sides)) elif len(sides) != 1: raise ValueError('Too many = in {}.'.format(tex)) # Turn \frac{d }{d } into sympy.Derivatives diff_match = re.match('\s*[\\f\ff]?rac\{d(.+)\}\{d(.+)\}', tex) if diff_match: return sympy.Derivative(*sympy.symbols(' '.join(diff_match.groups()))) # Turn \frac into ratios. Consume the shortest amount possible tex = re.sub('[\\f\ff]?rac{(.*?)}{(.*?)}', '((\\1) / (\\2))', tex) # Turn spaces between variables into *. Do this by matching anything that isn't an operation # Use a lookahead assertion to get overlapping instances. tex = re.sub('([^+\-*\s/(]+)\s+(?=[^+\-*\s/)]+)', '\\1 * ', tex) # Change minuses in the subscripts to m's tex = re.sub('([a-zA-Z]+)_{(.*)\-(.+)}', '\\1_\\2m\\3 ', tex) # We want to use all available variables, so sympify with the _clash local dictionary return sympy.sympify(tex, _clash1)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()